Classes and Schools

We offer sports programs in schools during the day and for after-school! Find us at your athlete’s school: Bedrock Preschool, Riverdale Neighborhood House, Riverdale Presbyterian Church Nursery School, Riverdale Temple Nursery School, Riverdale Y, and SAR Academy Upper and Lower Schools

Class TypePrice
Small Private Group
(up to 4 athletes)
$30/athlete per lesson
Private Group
(5+ athletes)
$25/athlete per lesson
Open Class$30/lesson
BirthdaysContact us
(During and/or After School)
Contact us

Legendary All Stars will be hosting OPEN soccer classes this Spring 2024 in Seton Park Riverdale (entrance runs along Independence Avenue), every Sunday starting March 24th. Our classes will be on a rolling basis for the rest of the year continuing until December 15! Interested in joining? Find your athlete’s age below and then email us at to register.  

You can also text or call us at: (718) 790-3275 

Don’t see a time that works well for you? We offer private group classes every day of the week. Email us to discuss your athlete’s needs and how we can help put together a group for you!

Age GroupTimeAge Group Time
2s9:00-9:40am 5s9:00-9:50am
3s9:45-10:30am 6-8 years 9:50-10:50am

Note: We are offering a Saturday morning 3-4 year old class from 10:30-11:15 beginning April 6th.


 We are currently expanding our Westchester schedule and moving into more neighborhoods. If you’re interested in starting a Private Group in Westchester for your athlete and their friends, please email us!


Class Descriptions

Private (one-on-one)

Some athletes benefit from a super focused class based solely on their own needs. During this time, we will hone skills that adapt to the athlete’s personal strengths and interests. We will focus on foot work and skill building, that require more intense concentration, as well as strength and cardio, that are in tune with the athlete’s personal goals.

Small Private Group (up to 4 athletes)

These classes are for the athletes who want to work hard with their friends, put in a team effort, but also hyper focus on their ball skills. This amount of athletes allows for team collaboration, but also the concentration required to hone more individual abilities.

Private Group (5+ athletes)

Unable to leave home? Going on vacation but your child needs to run off some energy with structured play? Our coaches are fully equipped to meet you in your very own living room via zoom! All you need is a ball, and from there our coaches will help your child learn new skills, get their cardio in, and practice fundamentals in a private one-on-one lesson all from the comfort of your own home.

Open Classes

Don’t have a group ready just yet? Jump on in to an open class that has similar aged athletes ready to play. With your new friends, you will work up a sweat, focus on footwork, and participate as a team member in learning game strategy.


This is the time for your athlete to be front and center! All of our birthday packages have the most important part in common – your athlete will be the star of their favorite sport! Their friends will join them in fun, fast-paced games all designed to make your athlete shine. Contact us directly to discuss packages and offerings.

Schools (During and/or After School)

Calling all teachers, administrators, principals, and directors! We have coaches ready to help your athletes run off some energy midday or during your after school programs. Choose one sport—or multiple sports can be played throughout the semester. Contact us directly so we can discuss your students and their athletic needs.

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