Exercising Together as a Family

Do you ever feel like your family is in a rut? Like you turn on the TV at 2pm and it just kind of… stays on until bedtime? No worries, no judgements here. It’s easy, you know where the kids are, and you can (thank goodness) FINALLY get a little bit of housework done…. Or ya know, scroll on your phone without interruption. Without fail though, every so often, you feel a little bit of guilt that you “didn’t do enough.” Well, first of all, if you are providing your kids with a loving and safe home, then you are doing enough – more than enough. So, let’s just make that clear. If, however, you want to switch it up, get that blood flowing through everyone a little bit more, and have a little extra family fun – here are some tips on getting the whole family moving that won’t break the bank or require too much extra effort!

  1. Family Dance Party

Turn up the music! Let your kids pick their favorite songs, and then just let loose. It is as simple as that! We have access to ANY song in existence at the tip of our fingertips via our smartphones. Or, you can go old school and pull out some of your old CDs (if you can find a CD player, that is) pop one in, and share some of your old favorites with the kids. Don’t think you can dance? It’s okay, literally no one is watching but your children – and they will be having so much fun making up their own moves, that their only memories will be the excitement they shared with their parent(s) (not how their parent(s) looked in the process).  

2. Take a Neighborhood Walk

Make a point to take a walk around the neighborhood around the same time every day. This might be an after-dinner activity, or something you all do together first thing in the morning. As long as you feel safe in your neighborhood, then a dedicated 20-minute loop is easy to schedule, and it may become a daily routine that your kids look forward to doing with you. Some days you may talk the whole time, but don’t feel bad if the full walk is spent in silence as everyone takes in the fresh air. If you are looking to make the walk more interactive, ask your kids to keep a look out for flowers, rocks, or different types of trees. You can discuss the shapes, how they smell, or other interesting features you notice about them with each other.

3. Create an Obstacle Course at Home or at the Local Playground

No fancy equipment needed! Can’t head over to the playground for an obstacle race? Use toys, boxes, or chairs that you already have at home. Example: use a jump rope as the starting line. To begin, they have to jump over the rope. From there they run across the couch cushions that have been placed on the floor. Then they crawl under two chairs, before jumping onto three different pillows evenly spread apart from each other. Finally, they kick a ball into a box. SCORE! You can mix up the order, or have different methods on how to surpass each obstacle (i.e. instead of crawling under the chairs, have the kids climb over them in round two). You can make the course as simple or complicated, as long or short, as you desire based on the needs of your kid(s). Don’t forget, YOU can also join them!

4. Move like the Avengers and Follow Along to Their YouTube Exercise Videos

If you head on over to YouTube, there are several workout videos based on your kids’ favorite shows and TV characters. There is a four-minute “Avengers Kids Tabata Workout,” showcasing different exercise moves performed by the famous Avenger superheroes, and it is complete with a countdown easily readable for even the youngest hero to follow – and there is a 10 second “Rest Young Avenger” break between each move. Your kids will love feeling like their favorite superhero, and will learn some great exercise moves in the process.

5. Make it a Friendly Competition

Who can do the most jumping jacks in 30 seconds? Who can kick their leg up the farthest? Who can touch their toes the longest? Who can jump the highest with two feet together? There are endless ways to compete that can be done right in your own living room or in your yard. Plan a few different moves that you know will allow everyone to win at least once. Reward everyone for participating with a set of fun stickers at the end (the dollar store sells some great ones)!

6. Volunteer Together

Volunteering consistently together as a family can be simpler than you believe. Check out local charities. You can help out a retirement home, make and serve food at a soup kitchen, hang out with dogs and cats your nearest animal shelter, or check out what types of volunteers your local hospital needs. Most places will let you sign up for daily, weekly, or monthly volunteer services. Choose one the whole family will feel passionate about, and enjoy the time together doing something helpful for your community.

Getting the whole family moving together, can feel like a challenge. But with a little bit of creativity, you may find that everyone is much more willingly to participate than you originally imagined. So get up, move your body, and ask your kids to join you – but most importantly, have fun together!

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