the coach lawrence method

At Legendary All Stars, we feature the Coach Lawrence Method. This approach focuses on the three S’s: skills, sweat, and smiles. Co-Founder and President, Lawrence Fischer, has been coaching sports for over 20 years. His unique technique can be applied to children and adults of all ages. 

Skills – every day we train even our youngest athletes, at only 18-months-old, dribbling and stopping the ball with intent, running backwards and sideways during warm-ups, and encouraging them to take an active part in using their hand-eye-foot coordination skills. We build on these stepping-stones, all the way up through their teenage years, giving them a head start in athletic power, speed, and agility. No matter how old they are when they start though, we can set them up for a lifetime of knowing how to always progress their game. 

Sweat – stamina is one of the major cornerstones of athleticism. By ensuring our athletes are constantly in movement they not only increase their ability to stay in the game, but they also set their body up for building a foundation that will help keep them active throughout their lives. 

Smiles – although we take our training seriously so we can aid our athletes in health and strength, we never forget to have some fun too. When kids and teens know they can have fun with their practices, they also learn that it is okay to make mistakes, take breaks, and they learn to enjoy their sports journey so much more. 

lesson plan — soccer — age: 3 years

dynamic warm-up

  • Reach up high and reach down low using big arm motions. 
  • Squat low and then jump high. 
  • Arms stretched out and make big circles backwards and then forwards 
  • Make a star with your body, reach down and touch your right fingers to your left toes, stand back up, reach down and touch your left fingers to your right toes. Repeat. 
  • Jog super fast in place! And freeze on the whistle. 
  • Run super fast to the nets, give them a high-five, and then run back. 
  • Jog backwards to the nets, give them a high-five, run super fast back. 
  • Sideways walk to the nets, jump up high, sideways back. 

dynamic warm-up

  • Reach up high and reach down low using big arm motions. 
  • Squat low and then jump high. 
  • Arms stretched out and make big circles backwards and then forwards 
  • Make a star with your body, reach down and touch your right fingers to your left toes, stand back up, reach down and touch your left fingers to your right toes. Repeat. 
  • Jog super fast in place! And freeze on the whistle. 
  • Run super fast to the nets, give them a high-five, and then run back. 
  • Jog backwards to the nets, give them a high-five, run super fast back. 
  • Sideways walk to the nets, jump up high, sideways back. 

sport intro

  • Dribble the ball with both feet to the nets and score goals! (Watch out for the coach who is playing goalie)! 
  • Coach will then line up the balls, and everyone gets to take BIG kicks into the goal. (Repeat with other foot)
  • Clean-up time!

sport intro

  • Dribble the ball with both feet to the nets and score goals! (Watch out for the coach who is playing goalie)! 
  • Coach will then line up the balls, and everyone gets to take BIG kicks into the goal. (Repeat with other foot)
  • Clean-up time!

sport practice

  • Coach will line up cones, and each athlete will get to kick the cones as hard as they can – once with the right foot and once with the left. They will shout out the color of the cone too if they desire. The goal is to make a BIG mess! 
  • The athletes will then run out to the cones and use their feet to stand the cones upright. 
  • Once the cones are all up, athletes will bring the cones together to build one long wall. 
  • Athletes will run to the wall again, stop to give the cones gentle toe taps with both feet, and then jump over the cones without the running start. 
  • Once everyone is back to the starting point, Coach will make two openings in the wall. The athletes will now dribble using both feet through the wall openings, and then score goals. 
  • Once all the balls are in the net, athletes will run to knock down all the cones making another big mess! 
  • Clean-up time!

sport practice

  • Coach will line up cones, and each athlete will get to kick the cones as hard as they can – once with the right foot and once with the left. They will shout out the color of the cone too if they desire. The goal is to make a BIG mess! 
  • The athletes will then run out to the cones and use their feet to stand the cones upright. 
  • Once the cones are all up, athletes will bring the cones together to build one long wall. 
  • Athletes will run to the wall again, stop to give the cones gentle toe taps with both feet, and then jump over the cones without the running start. 
  • Once everyone is back to the starting point, Coach will make two openings in the wall. The athletes will now dribble using both feet through the wall openings, and then score goals. 
  • Once all the balls are in the net, athletes will run to knock down all the cones making another big mess! 
  • Clean-up time!

game time

  • Athletes will split into two teams and focus on learning to score in the net opposite of them. 

game time

  • Athletes will split into two teams and focus on learning to score in the net opposite of them. 

legendary finish!

  • Athletes will all get to come up one-by-one to display a powerful kick into the net and end class with a memorable GOAL!
  • CELEBRATE! Athletes will be encouraged to do a dance, a pose or make a silly face after they’ve shown off their strong kick.

legendary finish!

  • Athletes will all get to come up one-by-one to display a powerful kick into the net and end class with a memorable GOAL!
  • CELEBRATE! Athletes will be encouraged to do a dance, a pose or make a silly face after they’ve shown off their strong kick.

lesson plan — baseball — age: 9 years

dynamic warm-up

  • Jog around all the bases twice.
  • 25 jumping jacks and then sprint to first base.
  • 20 squats and then sprint to second base.
  • 20 lunges and then sprint to third base.
  • 10 burpees and then sprint all the way around the bases.

dynamic warm-up

  • Jog around all the bases twice.
  • 25 jumping jacks and then sprint to first base.
  • 20 squats and then sprint to second base.
  • 20 lunges and then sprint to third base.
  • 10 burpees and then sprint all the way around the bases.

sport intro

  • Warm-up swings on the tee (left AND right regardless of preferred side).
  • Coach will throw soft tosses for athletes to swing at (left AND right regardless of preferred side).
  • Sprint to first base five times.

sport intro

  • Warm-up swings on the tee (left AND right regardless of preferred side).
  • Coach will throw soft tosses for athletes to swing at (left AND right regardless of preferred side).
  • Sprint to first base five times.

sport practice

  • Live batting practice with defense out in the field (no throwing). Athletes will rotate positions and do 25 jumping jacks each new hitter.
  • Sprints to second base five times.
  • Dynamic arm movements to prep for throwing.
  • Ground balls with throws to the bases. Athletes will run often to switch to different positions on the field.

sport practice

  • Live batting practice with defense out in the field (no throwing). Athletes will rotate positions and do 25 jumping jacks each new hitter.
  • Sprints to second base five times.
  • Dynamic arm movements to prep for throwing.
  • Ground balls with throws to the bases. Athletes will run often to switch to different positions on the field.

game time

  • Athletes will be split into two teams with points awarded for hitting and fielding. Each athlete gets three swings to keep the pace moving.

game time

  • Athletes will be split into two teams with points awarded for hitting and fielding. Each athlete gets three swings to keep the pace moving.

legendary finish!

  • Coach will throw a soft toss to give the athlete a chance to hit the ball as far as they can.
  • CELEBRATE! Athletes will be encouraged to do a dance, a pose or make a silly face after they’ve shown off their strong hit.

legendary finish!

  • Coach will throw a soft toss to give the athlete a chance to hit the ball as far as they can.
  • CELEBRATE! Athletes will be encouraged to do a dance, a pose or make a silly face after they’ve shown off their strong hit.

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